Why Donald Trump is a Disaster 

Kinja'd!!! "Spridget" (dustbustervans)
11/09/2016 at 06:25 • Filed to: Election 2016

Kinja'd!!!18 Kinja'd!!! 39

I’ve seen a lot of posts on here about how the sun will still rise in the morning, and nothing will change. But the latter is not true. The world will chamge, and the election of Trump signals a change. I thinl CNN’s Van Jones put it best- this was a whitelash. This election was poor white straight Christian men lashing out at immigrants. At Muslims. At African Americans and our African American president. At women and Hillary Clinton. At gay people and the legalization of gay marriage. This was white people trying to take “their” country back. It wasn’t about the economy. It wasn’t about terrorism. The cold, hard, simple truth is that Trump voters, the people who elected him president are cowards . . . pussies if you will. They see an America that’s becoming more diverse, where women have more rights, where Latino and Musin refugees choose to come. An American where the rich are getting richer and the political elite more powereful. And they were scared. Scared of change. Despite what people will tell, Donald Trump does represent racism. He does represent sexism. He supports dictatorship. And he has the power to change the country, and his ego won’t let anyone stop hin. So, to all of disaffected and bored people “lol nothing will change, they’re all the same, the sun will still rise in the morning”; these candidates were very different, and things will change. It’s this kind of passive laziness that elected Trump. As for the sun? It’ll still rise for sure, but it will light up a different sky.


Kinja'd!!! vondon302 > Spridget
11/09/2016 at 06:28


Tell us how you really feel.

Kinja'd!!! facw > Spridget
11/09/2016 at 06:34


Yeah, this is not some small change. It has huge ramifications if Trump makes basically any of his campaign promises.

Kinja'd!!! Sovereign, Purveyor of Coupes > Spridget
11/09/2016 at 06:39


I’ll give you 5 dollars to stand in any rural American town with a sign that says “if you voted for Trump, you are a pussy”.

Kinja'd!!! duurtlang > Spridget
11/09/2016 at 06:41


Assuming it’s similar of the rise of similar politicians in Europe, it’s not directly about race. It’s about frustration and fear. About clinging to a romanticized image of the past. Especially among a statistically older, more male and lesser educated and more rural part of society. Fear of change and ‘others’ and a romanticized image of the good old days. There’s also a lot of frustration about the ‘elite’ and the ‘corporations’. Clinton is obviously the embodiment of ‘elite’ (and Trump of corporations, but that’s ignored), and people detest that.

The Democrats couldn’t have picked a worse candidate.

Kinja'd!!! DipodomysDeserti > Sovereign, Purveyor of Coupes
11/09/2016 at 06:41


Can we get the boys over at the Grand Tour to do it for us? They’re pretty good at riling up the inbreds.

Kinja'd!!! jimz > Spridget
11/09/2016 at 07:04


Y’know, I’ve been of voting age since 1994, and paying attention to this stuff since 1988. I don’t see anything different this year. Every single time the presidency has changed party hands, it was going to be the end of the world.

Every single time.

Bill Clinton was going to imprison people left and right. Then he was going to refuse to abdicate the presidency in 2000.

People were claiming they were fleeing to Canada when Bush won, and even more so when he won re-election.

Obama was going to send his brown shirts to round up your kids and send them to FEMA re-education camps.

None of those predictions of doom ever came to pass.

Everyone needs to step back, grow up, and understand that shit doesn’t always go your way and you need to work with what you have. You are not the first generation of people to hate the outcome of an election, and you sure as fuck won’t be the last. Shit, prior to WWII there were people literally enraged about Roosevelt and that “pack of Reds” being elected.

Kinja'd!!! facw > duurtlang
11/09/2016 at 07:23


They could have picked a worse candidate, I mean Martin O’Malley was an option, but yeah Hillary is unquestionably an “Elite”, and unlike Bill can’t do folksy to try to take the edge off of that, nor does Hillary come off as trustworthy enough to make an honest appeal to let her help solve their problems.

It’s definitely partly about race though. Maybe not in the Midwest, but my experience in South is that it’s always at least partly about race.

Kinja'd!!! facw > jimz
11/09/2016 at 07:27


The difference is that it’s not conspiracy theorists on the other side saying those things this time. This is stuff that Trump has said he will do. That’s a huge and crucial difference. Additionally, we are clearly seeing a breakdown of decorum over time. I don’t expect any decorum from Trump, because frankly I don’t believe he has ever shown any, and seems the type to consider it a weakness. Hopefully Congress does better.

Kinja'd!!! JQJ213- Now With An Extra Cylinder! > Spridget
11/09/2016 at 07:33


It’s honestly terrifying to me.

Also, it proves just how far the country is from being accepting and open to anyone... We really haven’t progressed much from segregation

Kinja'd!!! jimz > facw
11/09/2016 at 07:39


He can’t do most of the stuff he said he wanted to do. Presidents can’t unilaterally make laws. Executive Orders are not legislation.

Kinja'd!!! facw > jimz
11/09/2016 at 07:46


Luckily for him he has a Republican Congress that is itching to support many of his bad decisions. He’ll certainly be able to completely break Obamacare if not repeal it directly (a lot depends on whether they use the “nuclear option” to eliminate the filibusterer). Trade agreements would presumably be harder to undo. Unless he ends up in a major battle with Paul Ryan or powerful senate figures, I’m guessing he trades support for religious right style issues that he doesn’t actually care about for getting his priorities handled. If Congress puts up more resistance, well I’ll be happier, but I don’t see much reason to count on that. 

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > jimz
11/09/2016 at 08:11


What’s different is that the Republicans now control the White House and Congress. What I’m waiting for is when all those poor, rural white peoples who voted for Trump lose their insurance when Congress repeals Obamacare. I fear they are going to suffer some serious buyer’s remorse.

Kinja'd!!! fintail > Spridget
11/09/2016 at 08:14


But think, it’ll be easier to vacation in Russia now, and we will get to see great statesmen like Christie and Giuliani appointed to lofty positions. It’s gonna be yuuuuge!

And if we get stuck in recession and the GOP blows it, they’ll lose it all in 2020 and maybe never get it back. This could be the swan song.

Kinja'd!!! MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s > Spridget
11/09/2016 at 08:25


Yeah...let’s go with that. Everyone’s racist, sexist, and a moron. You ever think that maybe Trump is just a big fat orange middle finger to the politicians (democrats especially) who keep repeating that narrative? Maybe people don’t like constantly hearing about “clinging to their Bibles and guns”? Sorry, but the democrats dug their own grave on this, not only with their rhetoric but their choice in a candidate. Had they chosen literally anyone else, I don’t think Trump wins.

Kinja'd!!! MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s > facw
11/09/2016 at 08:27


Ehh...I’m not too sure that congress is just going to fall in line. Though I do imagine Obamacare will be gone, which I am not sad about. It’s the worst of both private and public programs rolled into one large piece of shit legislation.

Kinja'd!!! jimz > ttyymmnn
11/09/2016 at 08:33


difference is at least Trump doesn’t give one rat’s arse hair about Tea Party stuff. Would you rather Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio?

Kinja'd!!! jimz > facw
11/09/2016 at 08:34


the thing is, Trump is not a tea-partier. at least he has that going for him; I daresay you’d like a Cruz or Rubio presidency far less.

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > jimz
11/09/2016 at 08:36


Good point. Certainly not Cruz. At the very least, these next two years until the mid-term elections are going to be interesting. But I am desperately worried about social issues, education, the environment.......

Kinja'd!!! facw > MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s
11/09/2016 at 08:36


Obamacare definitely could be far better. But you have a lot of people relying on it for heath care, and furthermore you have the additional provisions in it that were valuable. If I had any confidence the Republicans would ever get around to the replace part of repeal and replace, then maybe some good would come of it, but even then, what would they replace it with? Obamacare is already basically the Republican take on healthcare reform (or was until he supported it), a market oriented solution that didn’t force anyone off their employer sponsored healthcare.

Kinja'd!!! facw > jimz
11/09/2016 at 08:43


I’m pretty sure I’d take either of them over Trump. They’d still repeal Obamacare, and I’m sure they’d pass an abortion ban, and appoint a justice I would like, but I think it’s far less likely that either would destroy the economy or indeed the country. I think the damage they would do would be much easier for the next president to undo. Additionally, while I can’t say I like either of them, I think their decision making would be far more rational than what we get from Trump. Hopefully he’s better than I fear, but I won’t be holding my breath.

Kinja'd!!! yamahog > MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s
11/09/2016 at 08:51


One cannot claim this as an anti-establishment victory when all it does is show how many truly embrace the ancient institution of white male supremacy.

Kinja'd!!! MUSASHI66 > JQJ213- Now With An Extra Cylinder!
11/09/2016 at 08:55


Honest question - do you think France, Belgium, Germany etc - are doing well with their refugee integration and if their citizens have nothing to fear?

I’m a refugee that voted Obama for both of his elections, but there was zero chance of me voting for Clinton.

Kinja'd!!! wiffleballtony > Spridget
11/09/2016 at 09:06


Alternatively, it’s a rejection of Hillary.

Kinja'd!!! JQJ213- Now With An Extra Cylinder! > MUSASHI66
11/09/2016 at 09:11


I don’t think the refugees are being handled as well as they could’ve been.

However, in all honesty they are extremely low on my priority/fear list

I’m more worried about Obamacare getting repealed so we won’t be able to get decent insurance due to preexisting conditions. I’m worried about friends who are part of the LGBT community and might lose their rights. I’m worried about some of the Hispanics and Latinos I work with daily who could lose family members. I’m worried about his tax plan that’ll shit on my family. Paying for college, planned parenthood, social security....

Kinja'd!!! MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s > yamahog
11/09/2016 at 09:11


Just to clarify, I didn’t vote for Trump. However, the liberal attitude that everyone that voted for him has to be racist and that this is about white male supremacy is frankly ridiculous. The blue collar middle class (moslty white and male) had been left behind by politicians over the last decade, Trump is the culmination of years of frustration with Washington. Sure there may be some racist, sexist, morons who voted for Trump, but for most it was nothing more than an F-U to the political elite. Something Hillary was the very definition of.

Kinja'd!!! wiffleballtony > jimz
11/09/2016 at 09:14



Kinja'd!!! functionoverfashion > duurtlang
11/09/2016 at 09:20


This is what the whole current season of South Park is about, with the ‘member berries and all the talk of the “good old days.”

You are spot on.

Kinja'd!!! Coty > Spridget
11/09/2016 at 09:23


This is my favorite car.

Kinja'd!!! haveacarortwoorthree2 > Spridget
11/09/2016 at 09:37


Isn’t this a blatant violation of Rule #1?

Kinja'd!!! yamahog > MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s
11/09/2016 at 09:37


It’s frankly ridiculous to deny that factor in this election.

Kinja'd!!! Scimitar7 > haveacarortwoorthree2
11/09/2016 at 10:22


I wondered that myself, but then I remembered that some of the mods supported Clinton.

It’ll probably go on for a day or two, and then be forgotten about by the community at large.

Kinja'd!!! wkiernan > jimz
11/09/2016 at 10:39


People predicted that G. W. Bush would start wars, wreck the economy, and blow up the Federal deficit. Unlike the hysterical Fox News / InfoWars rubbish about the FEMA camps and such, these things actually happened.

We’ve spent the last eight years digging ourselves out of the hole the last Republican administration put us in, and now the professional wrestling fans have brought us another disastrous Republican administration, headed by the most repulsive human being I’ve ever seen in American politics in my entire life.

Kinja'd!!! MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s > facw
11/09/2016 at 11:03


The problem is Obamacare screwed everyone in the middle. If you’re poor enough, sure now you have coverage, if you’re rich enough it’s not like you cared that costs went up really, while everyone in the middle saw premiums and deductibles keep growing and growing. It can’t work this way, we need single payer if you believe the government should take care of it’s citizens health, or we need private, with no insurance mandate if you think the government should have no hand in healthcare.

Personally I think we need single-payer. But, that’s another debate for another time I think.

Kinja'd!!! facw > MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s
11/09/2016 at 11:12


No argument here, though the poor in a lot of places get screwed over by Obamacare as well due to the certain states refusing to expand Medicare as the ACA’s writers intended, thus creating a hole for people too poor to qualify for ACA subsidies. Normally that would be an easy fix for Congress, but of course the Republicans haven’t been keen to revisit the bill except to get rid of it entirely.

Kinja'd!!! Justino6969 > Spridget
11/09/2016 at 12:23


Your preferred candidate didn’t win, so you proceed to call (approximately) half of us pussies. Not only is it against the rules, it’s just plain disrespectful. You might just align more with Trump than you think. Another hypocritical asshole on the internet. I guess things really don’t change.

Kinja'd!!! gmporschenut also a fan of hondas > facw
11/09/2016 at 22:58


Well boehner had what 3 years to give is replacement plan. I’m sure trump will come up with it in 60 days.

Kinja'd!!! gmporschenut also a fan of hondas > duurtlang
11/09/2016 at 23:36


I would say 1 jobs, with a close follow up bigotry/xenophobia. Th amount of dog whistle memes and shit I’ve heard/seen in the last year is more than the previous 20+ years. It is a side of my country that i thought was dying out (literally and figuratively). I disagreed with McCain and Romneys policies but for the most part I think they were decent people.

What I fear is that we will not see this again.

Kinja'd!!! SidewaysOnDirt still misses Bowie > yamahog
11/10/2016 at 11:12


I’m not sure he’s denying it. It seemt so me that what he’s doing is suggesting that it’s deeper than that and that it’s unfair to automatically paint everyone opposed to a Clinton presidency as automatically opposed to her because they’re sexist or racist, which is what the narrative seems to be right now and what got alot of people who would have begrudgingly voted for Clinton because of how obviously awful The Donald is to not participate or go with the nuclear option out of frustration. This election felt like a witch hunt from both sides to alot of people. It certainly felt like one to me as the narrative started pretending that she’s a champion of causes she was opposed to up until very recently. 

Kinja'd!!! Spridget > Justino6969
11/11/2016 at 12:01


You right, things don’t change- you’re shitting your pants over a candidate who won because of the status quo.